Share Your Story
Stories are one of our most powerful tools for breaking the silence, normalizing abortion, and amplifying our advocacy.
If you or a loved one is interested in sharing an abortion story, please click the button below to submit your story.
Questions & Resources
Can I share my story anonymously?
Yes! You are welcome to share your story anonymously. We will only use identifying information that you provide for publication in the submission form.
Will telling my story really have an impact?
Yes, we believe that all of the stories here will have an impact on South Asian communities across the United States. The stories will challenge abortion stigma in our communities, and uplift the specific challenges South Asians face when accessing abortions. Eventually, the stories will be able to serve as a resource for legislators, organizers, and direct service providers as they work to serve our communities. Furthermore, the stories will lead to the expansion of resources for South Asians who may need to access abortion (research, funding, etc.).
Do I have to write my story? Are there other ways I can share?
We welcome all storytelling mediums. Storytellers may choose to write, paint, draw, sing, perform, share a video, or utilize any other form that feels appropriate for them.
I have a story to share but I’m not sure how I want to tell it just yet. What should I do? We are here to support you in telling your story in the way that feels best for you. You are welcome to email hello@southasiansoar.org with any questions. Additionally, please see the storytelling resources below for additional support.
Where will my story be shared or used?
Stories will be featured on the South Asians for Abortion website, which will be an interactive site for readers to explore the stories, history and context of abortions for South Asians across the US, engage with relevant resources, respond to calls to action, and more. The website should be launching in early July 2022.
Will you notify me when my story is published or used?
Yes, we will notify you via email when your story is published to the South Asians for Abortion website! We will also notify you of any requests for press or media relating to your story.
Are there any length requirements?
There are no length requirements, but we suggest a maximum of 1,000 words.
Tips for Storytelling
Here are questions to consider in crafting your story:
How do you feel the cultural environment and messages you received about abortion impacted your experience, both positive and negative?
Are there messages you learned about abortion in your family? How did they impact your experience?
Are there racial, ethnic, gender identity, class, caste, sexuality, immigrant, ability, religious, or other identities that impacted your abortion experience?
How did your geographic location or community political climate impact your abortion experience?
What do you know now about your abortion experience that you would tell a younger version of yourself?
Were there barriers you faced? How did you navigate them?
How did you pay for your abortion? If you had insurance, were you able to use it, why or why not? Did you have to borrow money from someone or call an abortion fund? How did that experience make you feel?
Was there someone who helped you navigate barriers? How did they help you? What stands out about that person to you?
Was there a barrier that you were able to bypass because of your privilege? How did that impact your abortion experience?
What support did you or didn’t you have during your abortion? How do you think that impacted you?
Source: We Testify